Showing Collections: 801 - 810 of 947
Scott County, Iowa Sunday School Association records
minute books dated 9 May 1890-19 Feb1 918 and one enrollment book, 24 Sep 1901-21 Oct 1923; microfilmed - 2 copies
Scott County, Iowa Town Lot Description Ledger
Volume listing owners of parcels of land. May be an original ledger with entries then transcribed into other types of ledgers.
Davenport Lots and Blocks 1-104;
Le Claire's 1st Addition;
Le Claire's 2nd Addition;
Le Claire;
Elizabeth City;
East Davenport;
West Davenport
Scott County Library System collection
This is a collection made up of items transferred from the Scott County Library System in Eldridge, Iowa.
Scott Family Papers
The collection consists of correspondence and papers of George Washington Scott and wife, Rosemary Spier Scott, dating from 1860-1930s. The materials detail Rosemary Scott's early life in Peoria, Illinois, school years at St. Mary's College in Notre Dame, Indiana, and married life in the Dakota and Oklahoma territories. George Scott was an Indian Reservation Agent and a Mayor of Davenport.
Scott Family prayerbook
"Bible Readings for the Home Circle." Scripture readings book with Scott family genealogical records. Family information relates to General Winfield Scott's daughter and her family. Contains handwritten family birth, death and marriage information. [1-2009 surnames Scott/ Hurd/ Spencer/ Scruggs/ Siebert/ Mockmore - kmo] Pertinent pages photocopied for use; see also Acc.# 2008-34.
Scott/Hurd family photograph;1883 letter
This collection contains 1 photographic print, 8x10" sepia reproduction, of a large group of people, identified by the donor as the Hurd and Scott families. Also includes 1 letter dated December 22, 1883 written by Thaddeus Scott addressed to "Dear Sister."
Scrapbook about Davenport Municipal Airport
Scrapbook of newspaper clippings about the Davenport Municipal Airport (Mt. Joy), c. 1947-1962.
Scrapbooks compiled by DPL during World War II
Three scrapbooks of newsclippings collected by reference librarians at the Davenport Public Library, 1941-1945. The titles are: "Industries in the Quad Cities in War Times," "Davenport WWII Personnel in U.S. Service," and "Rock Island Arsenal Scrapbook."
Scrapbooks compiled by Frank F. Fowle
Three scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings from the Davenport Democrat anniversary editions 13Oct1936 and 22Oct1905 and Burlington Hawk-Eye 29Mar1925.